MacBook speakers killed by editing!
On the Avid forums a user posted saying that using a particular combination of audio reverb filters had blown up the speakers on his brand new MacBook Pro 15″. This was followed by a discussion over whether it was Apple’s fault or Avid. However, today a posts popped up on my internet saying Premiere Pro caused MacBook laptop speakers to blow up as well, with Apple charging the user $600 to fix it. With two editing programs doing the same thing it would seem more like Apple’s fault to me, but it would be hard to convince them of that.
Most of the people I know use PCs, because I have always sold PCs, but if you have got a MacBook I would be careful what you play through it!
You can read the Avid thread here:
And the Premiere version here:…/adobe-premiere-pro-blown-out-m…/