New plug-ins available on the DVC webshop
You can now order several EDIUS plug-ins and the Acoustica Audio production suite through the DVC website:
The plug-ins are VisTitle (the best titler for EDIUS), Robuskey (excellent real-time keying), Mercalli Suite 5 (advanced realtime image stabilising and automatic image adjustments for EDIUS) and the full version of Vitascene – upgrading from the one that ships with EDIUS X.
The other new option is the Acon Acoustica Post Production audio suite. This has advanced versions of the 4 free plug-ins which ship with EDIUS X plus a whole lot more plug-ins for improving your audio. Also included is the Acon’s stand-alone audio editor which has a full multitrack audio editor and lots more tools for improving your audio quality such as spectral editing. The suite is €214.80 Euro – about £190. As with EDIUS you buy the suite direct from the EU distributors and I give you support on it in the UK.
In the next few weeks I plan to make some videos showing what you can achieve with these plug-ins.